7 Health Practices to Prevent the Spread of Infectious Pathogens

Times are tough for everyone right now. As a community, we all need to work hard to keep each other healthy and in positive spirits. World-wide, we are now in a new mindset and take unique precautions that we haven’t had to take before. Our goal is to keep businesses open by keeping staff and patrons safe and healthy throughout this pandemic and beyond.  

Having UV-C disinfection units installed in your workplace will benefit the greater good of businesses in your community. UV-C technology will remain relevant for years to come and are likely to become the new norm. Listed below are several new habits that we have created during 2020 and 2021. Future generations will find that disinfection will remain a priority in our society.

Some of the habits listed below are acts that we already would perform regularly, such as washing our hands. However, some of the other daily acts have been brought to light and have become relevant due to the pandemic we are living through. For example, washing hands, hand sanitizing, and using disinfectant wipes and sprays are all things that we have done in the past. However, in today’s times, we are excessively using some of these practices to help prevent us from contracting infectious pathogens that could lead to serious illness.  

  1. Hand Washing 

    Hand washing is a behavior that has always kept people clean and prevented the spread of germs. However, since the pandemic began, people are hyper-vigilant about keeping their hands clean. An important fact to remember is once your hands are clean, they can become impacted by germs if you touch your cell phone or other electronic devices that have not been disinfected. Therefore, cleaning electronic devices before washing your hands is key. iCleanse disinfection units make the cleaning process quick and efficient for everyone. 

  2. Hand Sanitizer 

    Hand sanitizer is a quick and easy solution to killing bacteria on your hands. Having hand sanitizer in your pocket or in your purse these days is very common. It is a good solution to have when wanting to clean your hands while on the go. It is used more now than ever before due to the pandemic. Touching public doorknobs, elevator buttons, money, gas station pumps, and other frequently touched items is the perfect time to use your hand sanitizer. It has become instinctive to hand sanitize after touching public items to protect people from contracting germs and to prevent spreading it to others.  

  3. Disinfectant Wipes on Surfaces and Devices 

    Disinfectant wipes have become a common item in everyone’s home. Wiping down high touch surfaces such as doorknobs, cabinets, and even groceries as they arrive has become very popular. People are searching for any protection possible to keep them from becoming sick. Wipes are an easy way to clean most hard surfaces. Many people are using these to disinfect their electronic devices. However, this is not recommended because it can damage electronics. They are not designed to be cleaned with a wet disinfectant. Many disinfectant wipes also need to be placed on surfaces for at least 10 minutes to disinfect surfaces properly, otherwise, it is not doing the job efficiently.   

  4. Wearing Masks 

    Wearing masks has become second nature to us this past year. What once felt uncomfortable and embarrassing is now the norm. It has become a part of our everyday lives and is one of the items we must have before walking out our front door. Face masks have now been our biggest protector when it comes to protecting ourselves from infectious viruses, mainly COVID-19. Face masks have helped slow the spread and protect us while in a public setting. Whether we are shopping inside, on a walk, ordering a coffee, or on public transportation, people are wearing a mask. It is now an expectation for everyone and is something we never had been used to prior to 2020. Previously, the only time we would see medical masks or face masks was in medical settings or jobs using strong fumes. These days face masks make us feel safe and protected in all locations. Masks are now becoming a fashion statement as well and a way to show your personality since they are so commonly worn. It is proven that if two people are wearing masks and abide by social distancing rules it is less than a 2 percent chance that any virus could be passed on.  

  5. Social Distancing – 6 Feet Apart 

    The term social distancing will forever be engrained in our vocabulary. It is something that we had never heard of or had to practice until the pandemic developed. Social distancing is a precautionary act that people take in public areas and in buildings to give everyone 6 feet of distance to prevent being too close to others and spreading infectious viruses and bacteria. There are social distancing reminders everywhere we go now. Whether we are walking through a shopping mall and see stickers outside the store to remain 6 feet apart, in line at the counter,dining in a restaurant, walking through airports, or visiting a doctor’s office, social distancing is required. 

  6. Plexiglass in Public Areas and Workplaces 

    Plexiglass partitions have been installed in many different types of establishments to prevent respiratory droplets from transferring from person to person. Whether in a grocery store, restaurant, public transportation, office space, or workspace, plexiglass has helped people to carry out normal tasks in public. Restaurants have these installed partitions in between tables and booths to prevent the spread of germs from guest to guest by providing a barrier. Workplaces have installed these so that employees can still go to work and can see and talk to their coworkers through the glass while working.  

  7. iCleanse UV-C Disinfection Units 

    UV-C has become extremely popular for disinfecting items, especially this past year. UV-C is ultraviolet light that kills germs on surfaces very quickly. iCleanse disinfecting units should be placed in public or private locations to prevent the spread of germs. The units use UV-C light to kill 99.9% of germs. Items that we frequently use such as our cell phones, headphones, tablets, wallets, badges, and keys should all continue to be disinfected in a quick and safe way. iCleanse’s mission is to make sure that workplaces are staying safe and can remain efficient not only during this pandemic but for years to come. Keeping employees and customers safe is our main goal. Having iCleanse UV-C units installed in workplaces will allow both patrons and employees to disinfect their frequently used items in less than 30 seconds. It is quick and easy to disinfect with iCleanse and ultimately keeps you, your family, coworkers, and customers safe.  

These seven safety practices are commonly used in our society today to help slow the spread of the pandemic. Even though there is a COVID-19 vaccine being distributed to the public now, these practices are not going to disappear for a long time. These safety precautions will stay in place for years and years in order to make customers and employees feel safe in a variety of establishments. 

If you would like more information on iCleanse and are interested in the products and services check out our iCleanse social media accounts and website. Don’t forget to subscribe to iCleanse on our website to get the latest disinfection tips, trends, and news sent directly to your email inbox.


iCleanse and Athena Health Care Partner to Protect Nursing Home Staff and Residents During Pandemic


How to Remain Healthy and Safe with the power of UV-C Disinfection